Recently, I’ve been reading a somewhat random book that I picked up
called, “The Secret Language of Leadership” by Stephen Denning. The book is competently written and contains
some interesting ideas about using story-telling as a leadership tool. The book
isn’t bad; it does have some practical advice, and the author certainly
practices what he preaches. My only issue is that I’ve heard most of it before
in some way, shape, or form in other books I’ve already read.
One such thing that I’ve heard before, but got me thinking nonetheless,
in this book was something known as the confirmation bias. This bias comes into
effect when a person receives information either supporting or contradicting an
existing viewpoint and can cause that person to incorporate the former and
disregard the latter.
Consider the dangers of flying or the possibility of shark attacks.
Both are overemphasized in the media and are so statistically rare that they
hardly warrant the fear they induce. True, their occurrence certainly isn’t
impossible, but the risks come into question when in relation to more realistic
and likely dangers such as cancer or heart disease.
Hearing about a plane crash or a shark attack in the news puts the
whole nation on edge. For people who have a preexisting phobia of one of the
two, a major news story could be hard to swallow. They may have more trouble
getting on a plane or being near the ocean. An event like one of these is
confirmation to those people that planes and sharks really are that dangerous.
On the other hand, if there was a news story bringing forth data that
shows how incredibly unlikely a shark attack is or how cars are multiple times
more dangerous per mile than planes, people with a phobia aren’t necessarily
going to be any less frightened.
To get away from the whole life-and-death or injury scenario,
confirmation bias is also prevalent in more common situations. In one such
case, I turn to a New York Times article titled “How Confirmation Bias Can Lead to a Spinning of Wheels” by Justin Wolfers. Within the article is a link to the
New York Times political forecasting program nicknamed “Leo”. When the ‘spin’
button is clicked, the program counts how many Senate elections will be won by
Democrats and Republicans. Each result
is somewhat different for every spin.
Admittedly, one of the two groups (I won’t say which) came up a few
times in a row, so I kept clicking ‘spin again’ until the outcome I preferred was
finally reached. Then I returned to the article to discover that that’s exactly
the actions that were expected of me. Wolfers shows the data of thousands of
other people who have used Leo and the tens of thousands spins performed. The
results conclude that a person is more likely to keep spinning if one outcome or
the other has yet to occur. Basically, we are waiting for confirmation that our
initial viewpoint is correct while disregarding the rest.
Stephen Denning gives some insight into what causes the confirmation
bias. A possible positive reason is that our minds are trying to disregard
sources that we determine not to be credible. To get a little more into the ‘why’
of the bias, Denning references a study by Drew Weston, a psychologist at Emory
University. Weston made use of an fMRI brain scanner and discovered that when
we receive contradictory evidence to our current viewpoint, the section of the
brain we would expect to activate, the one that takes part in reasoning, does not. Rather, the parts of the brain that
deal with emotion and resolving conflict did (24-25).
Furthermore, it seems the brain responds in another way. Denning quotes
Weston by writing, “Once the participants had seen a way to interpret
contradictory statements as supporting their original position, the part of the
brain involved in reward and pleasure became active, and the conclusion was ‘massively
reinforced . . . with elimination of negative emotional states and the
activation of positive ones” (25). In other words, the brain encourages this
behavior, and thus, we have the confirmation bias.
To conclude, the confirmation bias is sometimes positive and sometimes
negative. We often disregard contradicting information, and this may either
help us weed out incorrect sources or ignore good sources our brains don’t
approve of. The brain is also self-reinforcing
of this bias by bringing us pleasure when we successfully discount certain
information. It’s worth considering where confirmation bias appears in daily
life so we can be more receptive to other information and diverse points of