After learning more about deliberate practice in Ericsson, Krampe, andTesch-Romer’s article, that high performance is correlated more with effort
than natural talent, it’s important to figure out the difference between a
person who performs deliberate practice and one that does not.
This week, I read “Mindset: The New Psychology of Success” by Carol
Dweck. Dweck argues that the key contrast between these two groups of
individuals is mindset. Some have a fixed mindset and some have a growth
mindset. To differentiate between the two, a person with a fixed mindset
believes their skills and performance to be static properties, and in the
growth mindset, these qualities can be improved overtime as a direct result of
effort and practice.
In a fixed mindset, you are born with a certain intelligence, specific
athletic ability, etc. Try as you might, you’re stuck that way. As a result,
fixed-minded individuals do not value practice. They also tend to be defensive.
Within a mindset where improvement doesn’t exist, any criticism becomes a
personal, permanent reflection of the person’s qualities and performance. They avoid challenges; taking part in a
difficult task might expose themselves to (highly exaggerated) outside judgment.
“As a New York Times article points out, failure has been transformed
from an action (I failed) to an identity (I am a failure)” (Dweck 33). To fail
at a task or receive negative feedback necessarily devalues the fixed-minded
In defense of their intelligence and ability, those with a severely
fixed mindset can be self-destructive. “Everything I [Nadja Salerno-Sonnenberg]
was going through boiled down to fear. Fear of trying and failing. . . . If you
go to an audition and don’t really try, if you’re not really prepared, if you
didn’t work as hard as you could have and you don’t win, you have an excuse. .
. . Nothing is harder than saying, ‘I gave it my all and it wasn’t good enough’
” (Dweck 42). So to an extent, a fixed mindset can be comforting. This is likely
why it’s so common.
While reading “Mindset,” I found countless examples of how the fixed
mindset applies to myself. As a straight-A student through most of grade school,
I was usually one of the smartest guys in the room. Not once did I study for a
test which was something I took great pride in. Slowly and steadily, however, my
grades began to slip. I took it personally but didn’t try to do anything about
it. I certainly had enough excuses, though. Unfortunately for my childhood
self, it took a few years of declining grades before I switched to a growth
mindset. Until that point, I just accepted that I wasn’t the smartest guy in
the room anymore. I stopped concerning myself with grades altogether; I
wouldn’t look at test grades or report cards or essays that were returned with
feedback. I didn’t want to acknowledge any more failures. If I had a growth
mindset, this information could have been invaluable. More on that later.
In the growth mindset, you see the same situations quite differently.
You see athleticism, intelligence, performance, etc. as something to improve on
rather than accept as permanent. In the words of Michael Riordan, a teacher
referred to in Dweck’s book, “Performance cannot be based on one assessment.
You cannot determine the slope of a line given only one point” (28). High
performance is something you achieve, not something you’re born into. The
growth-minded don’t limit themselves to their current abilities and level of
performance. They consider themselves to be in ongoing development.
In contrast to the fixed mindset, growth-minded individuals seek
challenges. To them, a challenge is an opportunity to learn and improve. A fixed-minded
person would shy away from a challenge since it may lead to failure. A growth-minded
person is willing to try their best despite exposing themselves to this risk.
They see failure not as a reflection on permanent characteristics. It only
means more effort is required.
In both Dweck’s “Mindset” and the Ericsson, Krampe, and Tesch-Romer
study on deliberate practice,
the value of natural talent is
minimized in achieving high performance. Dweck doesn’t use the term deliberate practice
in her work, but there’s clearly an overlap with her ‘growth mindset.’ Effort
is required to achieve high performance regardless of natural talent.
Improvement is something that happens overtime. Both refer to the fact we consistently
undervalue the effort it took for eminent performers to reach the level that
they did.
The growth mindset does not necessarily sustain motivation entirely. Rather,
it allows for the possibility of deliberate practice. It could be considered a
prerequisite of sorts; a key difference between those that do practice and
those that don’t. I don’t see this as a guarantee. Understanding that you can develop
your abilities doesn’t mean you will. As the Ericsson article points out, “Deliberate
practice requires effort and is not inherently enjoyable. Individuals are
motivated to practice because practice improves performance” (368). Therefore, the
benefit of practice has to outweigh the costs. Having a growth mindset is only part
of the battle, and the resource, effort, and motivational constraints are the
other parts. Dweck doesn’t argue that a growth-minded person will always try to
achieve expert performance. However, she does imply that the growth mindset may
lead to such an effort.
Eventually, my childhood self learned the value of hard work and
effort. Switching to the growth mindset took time; in some areas it took more
time and in other areas, less. Dweck points out that you may not have a growth
mindset in every domain and in every part of life, and I agree. Academically, it
took a long time to make this change, and until very recently, the fixed
mindset would occasionally take over when I faced a particularly difficult task
such as in computer science. Now, I’m happy to say that I’ve moved pretty
firmly into the growth mindset. I go out
of my way to learn, and I’ve fortunately been able to sustain certain efforts
for nearly one out of the minimum ten years of required deliberate practice. I
am motivated to keep up the high level of effort. That is something I take
great pride in.
While the growth mindset doesn’t hold all the answers to why we do or
do not take part in deliberate practice, it may be the key to getting started.
The resource, effort, and motivation constraints still play their part in the
process, so it’s important to take the deliberate practice article into
account. Regardless, mindsets may have a long-lasting impact on what our level
of performance will be in the near and distant future.
I wonder if you had your IQ tested as a kid. When I was a kid I'm pretty sure I was given such a test. And I know that my kids had some test in first grade done to determine whether they should be put into the "gifted program" at school. Here is a link I found to an online test of this sort. Such testing, whether valid or not, creates a social assumption of fixed mindset.
ReplyDeleteWith young kids it is fairly common to track their height and have various measures over time to see the growth. It is much less common to collect a portfolio of the kid's work and see how that seems more expressive and mature over time. We don't measure learning that way, but maybe we should.
My last comment here is whether learning is different when it is already known stuff (known by the teacher) than when it is fundamentally unknown by anyone (where we call it creativity or research or some label such as that). At issue is whether the nature of the work is the same or if they are quite different.